Thursday, November 20, 2008

so you think that im the stupidest girl in the world? i dont care anymore. you know i used to make these things a big deal for me. i feel pain when these people stare at me, laugh at me. mak fun of me. i cried for a couple of tims i guess.. have you heard of the phrase stage fright? i dont really believe in that kind of thing.. but when im out if my mind, having my brain fly while staring at the prof[like i listen to her] and suddenly calls my name to answer some extraordinarily easy question, i cant answer a thing. i cant answer right. and those eyes, thoes eyes that kills me, when i talk aloud. when something really crappy comes out of my mouth, i know that deep inside you, you wanted to tell me, 'what a dumbass!', because once again i made fool of myself. i am not suppose to be like this ya know?
back when i was in 3rd year highschool, there was this guy i've been crushing. i was inspired. i even tried studying really really hard just to impress him. we became good friends even for just a year. i even cry at night because i hear rumors that he is crushing a girl classmate. but when summer came, i just found out that he was crushing on me too![ya think?] i thought it was love. my heart was broken. is it beacause of too much expectation? or is it because i just wasn't ready? i broke his heart. i broke mine. my world was crushed. i had no reason to live[just kidding!]. but i really felt bad. that i even forget what the date was. thats where it started..

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

good day to you! to my friEnds and foEs, and to you my readeR! first of all, i would likE to say sorry for thE wrong usagE of thE capital lEttERs as you can see. it's bEcausE of a virus. vERy wEll, this is my first post..

eNtERing college lifE ain't Easy. i nEvEr rEalized it until i rEached my sEcond yEar. i rEally look up to this univERsity wheRe i Enrolled. but nEvER in my ENtire life i feLt unEasy, like you don't belong. the class that i havE ENteREd.. is it becausE of thEm? thE not so looking friEndly classmates that i have? or is this what thE call, compEtition? i havE my oldER brotheR who graduatEd in thE same school. hE lookEd happy and having fun EvERytime he studiEs. this sucks somEtimEs.